Liver Boost

Liver Boost


Liver is one of the most essential organ of body, and proper functioning of it is necessary for overall development and growth, digestion, detoxification. SS healthcare hasHepatix-Hen, Poultry Aid , Poul-HepPremix and Poul-Hep -liquid which are balanced liver supportive threapy.


Liver Boost Premix is a unique proprietary blend of herbal constituents to protect the liver and counteract ill effects of Mycotoxins, chemicals and drugs and improve the performance of birds.


Through Feed in Broilers,
Layers & Breeders :
Use 250 g Liver BoostPremix/ton of feed

Or as recommended by the Nutritionist/Veterinarian.

Available Packaging

  • 5 KG
  • 25 KG


Hepatoprotective Mould inhibitor and mycotoxin binder.
Metabolic, Enzymatic and digestive stimulant.
Prevents Fatty Liver Syndrome (lipotropic).
Improves broiler and layer Productive traits
To improve Growth, FCR & Body weight gain
For better digestion and assimilation
To improve Uniformity, Early maturity
To improve Uniform Egg production
To improve Egg quality &hatchability
Improving resistance & livability
To Prevent fatty liver syndrome
To counteract the ill effects of Toxins, antibiotics and other chemical drugs like anticoccidials
To improve carcass quality