Liver is one of the most essential organ of body, and proper functioning of it is necessary for overall development and growth, digestion, detoxification. SS healthcare hasHepatix-Hen, Poultry Aid , Poul-HepPremix and Poul-Hep -liquid which are balanced liver supportive threapy.
Liver Boost Premix is a unique proprietary blend of herbal constituents to protect the liver and counteract ill effects of Mycotoxins,chemicals and drugs and improve the performance of birds.
Through Feed in Broilers,
Layers & Breeders :
Use 250 g Liver BoostPremix/ton of feed
Or as recommended by the Nutritionist/Veterinarian.
Hepatoprotective Mould inhibitor and mycotoxin binder.
Metabolic, Enzymatic and digestive stimulant.
Prevents Fatty Liver Syndrome (lipotropic).
Improves broiler and layer Productive traits
To improve Growth, FCR & Body weight gain
For better digestion and assimilation
To improve Uniformity, Early maturity
To improve Uniform Egg production
To improve Egg quality &hatchability
Improving resistance & livability
To Prevent fatty liver syndrome
To counteract the ill effects of Toxins, antibiotics and other chemical drugs like anticoccidials
To improve carcass quality